Part 9: Aug 14 2155 - The Vela Situation

Ship upgrades!
+2 Eluders, +2 Landers, +33% Crew Capacity, +25% Cargo.
This set of upgrades will serve us well.

Now, to go to a very important star system!

Vela is just next door to the much larger Zeeman.

I'll finally be able to report back, maybe see if the precursor factory has--

Oh, shit.

I don't know what that ship is, but judging by the slave shield, I don't think I should try my luck.
Sorry, looks like Vela is off-limits.

With my new massive cargo hold, almost anything is worth picking up if the danger levels are low enough.

Next... wait a minute!
Computer! Overlay this map with the star chart from when we left Sol!

We're picking up an anomaly in the northwestern quadrant!

A new star has appeared on the map that doesn't match any known star charts!

Keeping an eye on that, for now I'll stick to the plan. Next stop: Zeeman.

With a supermassive white star, this is one of the hottest solar systems in the galactic sector. However, it has two things going for it.

First: It's a Melnorme trading post! There are several throughout the galaxy, generally near massive stars.
I don't have enough credits to get anything from them right now, though.

Second: It's one of the most mineral-rich systems in the sector.

I get a shitload of resources, and blow up one Lander in the process.
I think I'll come back here later, when I have a stronger Lander.

Next stop: Beta Mira.

I was told that this was the way to VUX space, but all I found here was more of this goddamn probes.

It's not a total waste of time, at least.

One of the moons gives me some much-needed biodata.

Maybe it was just in the direction of Beta Mira? I head a bit deeper into space in this direction.
The anomalous star is gone now.

Along the way, I spot some incoming starships. I pull over and let them come to me.


Never mind, I have adjusted my display so it is dim enough to be tolerable. In answer to your question, our response is simple. We must attack you because our masters, the Ur-Quan, wish it so! Now if you don't mind, stop nodding your head like that. We VUX do not share this range of motion, and it appears as though your neck is broken and you are a jabbering corpse. Ugh.

What more can be said? On that day, your species proved its true crass nature. You see, we VUX pride ourselves on our open-mindedness, our ability to see beyond even the most bizarre and disguting face like yours, but that insult was so low, so totally reprehensible that we will never forget it. Yes, to be honest, that event pretty much fixed our attitude setting at 'ABHOR'. I suspect we will despise you forever.

Well, that sure was an attempt.
I deploy Captain Kwimp to deal with the enemy.

The VUX Intruder has a special ability where it always warps in at extreme close range, facing the enemy. However, it only functions in multiplayer.

The Intruder is armed with a short-range gigawatt laser, extremely powerful but quickly burning through weapon energy. Since the ship is sluggish, the Eluder will only ever get hit if I make a mistake.
Its other weapon is a tracking Limpet Mine, which does no damage but slows down the movements of the enemy ship. The Eluder can outrun those, too.

Basically, the Eluder is a hard counter for the Intruder. It's too fast, and can fight from too far away.

So, Kwimp takes out all five ships single-handedly.


Well, as long as I'm this close, may as well pay Mr. ZEX a visit. He sounds nice.

This would be a good place to visit even if there wasn't a weird alien living here. There's a heckload of planets to plunder.

Several highly-profitable worlds later...

Please be welcome! We can get to know one another... expand our interspecies relationship. But wait. How silly of me. You aren't here for polite repartee. You have come for my Shofixti Maidens.

I'm not sure exactly why I need Shofixti Maidens, but they sure sound like a quest to me!

After the Great War, in which I played some small part, the VUX high council, in recognition for my services, granted me this planet, so that I might pursue my... hobby, without disturbing the general VUX populace. I am a collector, you see. I have the finest menagerie of... beautiful... creatures in all space.

Alas, there is one creature, one GORGEOUS animal which I do not yet possess. I would give almost ANYTHING for that creature, Captain.

You are different, yes. But personally, I like difference. In fact, I ADORE it. Your physique is so wonderfully varied! Your multitudinous rigid appendages, your tiny double eyes, your varied skin coloration, and the delightful patchwork of hair, covering only parts of your bodies, leaving other parts bare and smooth! Mmmmmm!
I value your species, Captain. I see you as just 'people'... like us VUX.

The VUX rulers could not refuse my military genius, couldn't ignore the many victories I gave them. But they could not tolerate my behavior, accept my desires as natural. so they sent me out here... a hero's exile! Where I won't 'poison' the minds of youth with my 'bizarre' ideas and 'perverted' lifestyle. Hmmph... bigoted fools.
You see, Captain, we are not all that different, you and I. We are different from the majority of VUX, and so we, in VUX eyes, are both monsters.

In answer to your question, yes! I accept your offer. Deliver the creature to me, and I shall give you the Shofixti Maidens. I will even provide you with a clue to finding the creature's native planet! My source for this information is an ancient wildlife handbook, written millenia ago by some unknown alien author. The pertinent passage goes as follows...
'...demise, It(!) basks in yellow light within the constellation Linch-Nas-Ploh.'
We have translated 'Linch-Nas-Ploh' to mean approximately 'the long thin creature who has swallowed the huge beast.' I hope it is sufficient.

Full body shudder.

Well, we got a new quest, but it will have to wait for now.
Next time: Let's see how the Androsynth feel about that whole slavery thing.